How to Keep Texting Chic

How to Keep Texting Chic

Research shows that texting remains the most popular and most common form of communication for people in their private and professional lives. Instant messaging enables us easy contact with our colleagues, family members and friends. The invention of emojis and stickers makes it even easier to set the tone of our messages. That being said, it is still something of a challenge to know how to communicate with others most acceptably. How do we maintain a healthy relationship with texting when other forms of communication are still prevalent? Here are a few suggestions to guide our texting etiquette whenever we take our phones out of our pockets for a quick chat:

When in a room with a group of people, it is best to be inclusive and transparent with our communication. Some young people find it fun to text a friend in the same room and watch their reactions to what is usually a harmless, funny stream of text messages. Unfortunately, this kind of fun may leave others in their company feeling excluded and self-conscious as they do not know if they are the subject of the text messages.

Although it is a very convenient way to send messages across, texting is never an appropriate method of sharing sensitive news. Whether breaking up with someone or announcing anything of impact, it is best to stay away from text and try to communicate over the phone or in-person if possible. This shows respect and allows the other person to process the news accordingly.

Always double-check the recipient of your message before it goes out. Many of us have hit the send button only to find out we have sent a text to an unintended recipient. This can sometimes create an awkward situation if the recipient becomes privy to information they should not have known. It is advisable to practice due diligence to avoid this slip-up.

Give people ample time to respond to your text message. Living in an instant messaging world does not always guarantee us immediate responses. The people on the other end of our text chains still engage in work, study and other activities that require their full attention. By sending a text, we acknowledge that we will get a response when the other person is available.

In addition to this, it is proper practice to refrain from sending multiple texts and long paragraphs, especially during working or school hours. Long paragraphs may prove a feat to engage with and be quite off-putting.

Be respectful of your contacts and contact them at the appropriate times of the day. Try to refrain from texting first thing in the morning or late at night. This tends to be when people prepare for the day ahead or are winding down from their day. Mealtimes should also be avoided to allow people time to enjoy their food.

If someone sends you a text, please do not respond by calling. If you need to call, send a message to find out if it is okay to do so. Otherwise, respond to a text message via text.

Know your audience. Not everyone understands text shortcuts and abbreviations. Tailor your texts to each contact to have a fruitful conversation with them.

Avoid sending a text when you are upset. Taking some time to cool off will help you be more mindful of your words.

Don’t text while walking, as you might bump into a tree or someone else. If you are walking through a store and need to send a text, move away from the other shoppers and be quick.

And finally, do not text while driving. The consequences may be dire for you, and if you have passengers, they may feel uneasy with a distracted driver at the wheel.

Texting has helped us communicate more efficiently in our increasingly busy world. Let us take the time to cultivate healthy texting habits to continue to enjoy the benefits it brings us.

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