A destination-themed Memory with Friends

A destination-themed Memory with Friends

It’s Friday night, and you are having a good time hanging out with your friends. Everyone is in a good mood, and you feel lucky to be part of a group of such amazing people. Before you know it, you have committed yourself to go on vacation with your fun-loving group. You are going to have a wonderful time, right? After all, you already get along really well with this lot, and you expect nothing less. Before long, you and your friends are jet-setting off to your destination of choice in excited anticipation of all the fun you will have.

Two days into your vacation, you begin second-guessing your decision to spend a week with people with whom you’ve never had a sleepover at home. You think back to that Friday night, and you realise that you were caught up in the moment. It’s too late now, and you’re stuck. All you have to do is make the most of it and enjoy this decision when you were tipsy and not in the best frame of mind to make decisions.

How many of us have found ourselves in this predicament? We realise we have overcommitted ourselves to something besides our better judgement, and backing out is either impossible or unwise to do at this point. How can we avoid getting ourselves into such situations? And should we be in them, how can we make the most of our commitments? Here are a few suggestions to consider:

  • Avoid making commitments when you have had a few drinks. It is always best to commit oneself with a clear mind when you can fairly assess one’s availability.

  • When planning such an undertaking, communication should be clear with all parties involved. This might mean going back to the drawing board a few times to hash out all the details. It will be worth it in the end; no need to rush.

  • Carefully research your destination of choice and consider all the pros and cons of choosing it. Is it a suitable destination for everyone within the party?

  • Be open about the budget for your trip. Those within your party are likely to fall within different income brackets. All parties need to be comfortable with the estimated price point for the trip.

  • Where accommodation is involved, try to plan sleeping arrangements to ensure a basic comfort level for the whole group. Are you open to sharing a room with a friend, or would you rather spend a little extra and have a room to yourself? If you are a light sleeper, this is something to consider as you may not appreciate being kept up by someone unknowingly snoring in your ear.

  • Foreign vacation destinations allow us to try out different cuisines from home. It is best to plan for food choices that everyone will be comfortable eating during their stay. This may mean booking restaurants with a wide range of local and international foods or having food tours that those with a more adventurous palate can enjoy.

  • Are we all on the same page when it comes to alcoholic intake? It is common for some people to consume more alcohol when away from home, especially when in a foreign destination. It is advisable to chat about acceptable alcohol consumption levels for your party, so everyone knows the group’s expectations when you are out.

  • Some people within a party might be more active, preferring to spend the whole day in walking activities. In contrast, others may prefer more of a laid back beach experience. Try planning a balance of activities so that those who enjoy an active holiday and those who want a more relaxed experience can meet their needs.

  • Finally, take care of yourself and curate the best holiday experience for you. If you need to sleep in, sit out an activity, or visit a site that has garnered your interest, let your group know and do what you need to make the most of your trip. Individual experiences are just as important in group plans.

Going on adventures with our friends can result in the creation of beautiful memories. Let us mindfully commit to curating a pleasant experience when the opportunity presents itself.

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