What Does Digital Etiquette Look Like?

What Does Digital Etiquette Look Like?

Etiquette is essential in our everyday dealings, whether in person or in a digital space. The digital space has become an increasingly important part of today’s society, with most of us accessing it daily. Awareness of and following some basic etiquette rules offline and in the digital world will help us navigate this new environment that is gaining popularity for studies, work and everyday social interactions. Some of these rules are transferable from face-to-face to the digital world, and being mindful of them can empower us as active citizens in all aspects of life. Here are some suggestions to be mindful of when navigating the digital world:

  • Respect each other’s privacy. When we spend face-to-face time with those we trust, that trust can bring a sense of safety that results in us letting our guard down. These moments spent in private settings with family and friends can see those who enjoy a good joke sharing the goofy sides of their personalities and others recording the tender memories to reflect on later. As funny as these antics might be for the person on the other side of the lens, it is important that they do not publish any of the footage on social media without the express permission of the ‘performer’. We must safeguard the dignity and privacy of our family and friends in the digital space to maintain the trust we develop when we are with them in person.

  • Be present when you spend time with your loved ones. Try to avoid texting or answering the phone as they are more deserving of your undivided attention. There will always be time, later on, to respond to text messages and catch up on your feed.

  • Be polite and uplifting with your words. Offensive language and comments are never attractive in any setting. This applies to the digital space just as it does to the offline world. Most of us strive to be respectful and courteous to those we interact with daily, and we should do the same when we are behind a keyboard and screen. If ever we find our opinion differing from someone else online, it is important to share our thoughts respectfully and receive the other party’s ideas with the same respect we hope they would give.

  • Avoid using all caps when texting or sending an email. One might get the message: “I am angry, or I am shouting at you”. This is especially true for those who are unfamiliar with your texting style. Try to text in sentence case, and use emojis or other symbols to portray your tone as is appropriate in your context. Use polite language and sentence tones when sending emails to get your message across respectfully.

  • Avoid posting inappropriate material. If you would not be happy sharing a particular photo, video or opinion piece in person, it is safe to refrain from sharing it online. Your digital image is just as important as your offline one, and the utmost care should be taken to preserve both in a positive light.

  • Always fact-check what you share online. This also applies to reposting information that may seem to be true. I know someone who doesn’t think twice about sharing whatever he reads online for others to see. Fortunately for him, his daughter never shies away from asking if he has fact-checked the information he is keen to share. On many occasions, this has saved him from passing on facts he may have needed to backtrack on in the future. Fact-checking allows us to remain a reliable source of information for our online community, just as we would like to be in person.

  • Avoid cyberbullying. Kindness is just as applicable online as it is offline. Unfortunately, cyberbullying is a phenomenon whose sometimes-fatal consequences most of us have experienced in the news or from a close source. Bullying in any setting is never acceptable, and hiding behind a screen or teaming up with someone involved does not make it right. We must stay away from cyberbullying at all costs and pay more attention to showing kindness to those we interact with in the digital space.

It is all our duty to maintain a safe and healthy digital space. By ensuring we are polite, respectful and honouring the privacy and dignity of others, we can make the internet an enjoyable space for everyone to use, regardless of how digital their daily lives may be.

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