A Different Mother’s Day

A Different Mother’s Day

I recently overheard an interesting conversation between an adult daughter and her elder mother when I was out on a shopping trip. The daughter informed her mother of the family's plans for Mother's Day. The details included a barbeque early on in the day with only some family members present as they awaited those from out of town. It was easy to see the pleasure on the mother's face, and I would like to think she excitedly anticipated spending time with her cherished family. I gathered that the mother lived in a seniors' residence, and with some children living far away, it is not far-fetched to assume that this is what she would want for Mother's Day.

This conversation led me to think of what constitutes a perfect Mother's Day gift for all mothers and mother figures out there. What do they really want for Mother's Day? How can we ensure to get our mothers the gift they want and not the one we want for them?

Let's take, for example, stay-at-home mums with young families. These mothers tend to be busy around the clock. They run around their children, cooking and cleaning after them. They do the laundry, play with their beloved children and take care of them when they get hurt. The list goes on. These mothers obviously love their families and cherish time spent with them; however, it is not uncommon to hear stories of mothers who sometimes have to sneak off to the bathroom to have some alone time. Even with that, some well-meaning child knocks on the door asking how long mummy will be in there for/how much longer before mummy comes out. With that, mummy leaves the bathroom to resume playing with her loved one.

A relaxing day spent alone could be an ideal gift for this particular mother. This could be in a hotel where she could order room service and treat herself to a lovely spa. Whilst away from home, she could also enjoy a solitary walk, watch a favourite movie without interruptions, or catch up on some reading. Add a peaceful afternoon tea to the mix! What a treat!

Dads, uncles and other family members can use Mother's Day to set an example of love, consideration and service for the little ones. If mum does not fancy being away from home, dad and the kids can make her breakfast and then take off for a few hours so she can enjoy some alone time. They can also remove the temptation of tackling some chores by covering what needs to be done. Yes, I mean clean the house, make her meals, fold the laundry and load the dishwasher. Simply providing a chore-free day for mum could be the only gift she needs.

Mothers with grown-up children might simply yearn for quality time spent with them. This could be a day of shopping, hiking, having brunch, or simply being in their company. A bouquet of flowers or something small and sentimental could be just as pleasing instead of a flashy gift. If mum is a fan of pearls and diamonds, it is undoubtedly thoughtful to come together and buy her a pair of earrings or necklace she can enjoy on her next outing.

Mother's Day gives us an additional way to express our love and appreciation to our mothers. So, let us avoid simply going through the motions and showing gratitude in a specific and meaningful way to our mums. This will bring a genuine smile to their faces when they notice how well we have listened and make us happy knowing we have been mindful of them.

Happy Mother's Day

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