Work Christmas Parties

Work Christmas Parties

During the month of December, most companies host Christmas parties for their staff as a way to show their appreciation for the work and dedication given during the year. 

Invitations are usually sent out to the staff stating the dress code and if a plus-one is permitted.

Work parties afford us the opportunity to strengthen relationships with colleagues and get to meet their significant others. 

If the dress code is “Holiday Attire”, we shouldn’t get carried away and wear that funny holiday sweater that has been a conversation piece at most parties. That being said, our attire should reflect our company dress code. What is acceptable in an arts environment might be frowned upon within a corporate workplace. 

Regarding a plus-one, we might assume that it is adorable to physically show our colleagues how “into” we are with our plus-one but hold it, that might not fly. We should continue to present ourselves in a business manner, while mostly focusing to get to know our co-workers and their significant others. 

Additionally, when bringing along a plus-one, it is obviously advisable not to choose someone of an uncertain relationship. It may or may not be an urban myth, but some may know of the story of a girlfriend who had discovered recently of their partner’s cheating and chose to break up with them at their work party; revealing intimate and embarrassing details about their co-worker, and making a public pass at the company’s boss.

If we are attending a party right after work, we could give our outfits a bit of a flair by adding a piece of accessories or changing our shoes. The venue and theme of the party will also determine the outfit we choose to wear.

Parties shouldn’t be a platform for complaining about our co-workers or talking shop, as it is not a business meeting, and alcohol abundance at Christmas parties can cause us to behave in a way that we might regret afterwards.

We need to be mindful of not being a centre of attention and give others an opportunity to talk and also not monopolize the boss’s attention. Let’s not pile up our plates or consistently have a mouthful as we want to be able to converse with others. As a good team player, let’s be a sport and show up even if we don’t feel like it. As with all parties, let us not neglect to thank the organizer before we leave.

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