Work Christmas Parties in 2020

Work Christmas Parties in 2020

The radio station I listen to daily, decided to start playing Christmas carols earlier than usual this year. Being a sucker for carols, I was excited by their decision which has allowed me to enjoy my favourite holiday tunes in the car and at home for longer than usual. I have been talking with friends and family who are equally enjoying this programming, with some of them expressing how the music motivated them to get ready for Christmas. One of my friends has done all her shopping and already mailed gifts to her family members in the States. Talk about being organized! I, on the other hand, have made a batch of my favourite festive treats - nuts n’ bolts - and will be making more in the coming days.

Amidst all this, one question has been burning at the back of my mind: Will we have any in-person office parties this year? After a couple of chats about this and the ongoing realities of our current holiday season, I think it is safe to assume that virtual parties will be the main end-of-year event we attend this year. Should we do so, I have put together a few reminders for us to follow to keep the experience positively memorable:

  • We need to make an effort to connect with our colleagues. Be intentional about showing up to the virtual event, interacting with everyone, and having fun.

  • Even from the comfort of your home, seek to maintain appropriate table manners. It is best to keep the food on our plates level. Remember the screen exaggerates even the smallest of images, and will do the same for us.

  • Keep all jokes appropriate for the setting. There is nothing that deflates the mood of a party as an off-coloured joke. Keep in mind that this time, the whole office would be able to hear you at the same time.

  • Be cautious of your alcohol intake even though you’re at home. You still want to be level headed throughout the event, and not say or do something you might regret the next day.

  • If you and your co-workers decide to exchange gifts, keep within the recommended price range. Also steer clear of regifting as this might backfire. Who knows, you might give back a gift to someone who presented it to you in the first place.

  • Be sociable and genuinely interested in what others have to say. Do not hog the conversation.

  • Dress accordingly for the occasion. Dressing appropriately is always welcome to those who get to see you in person or virtually.

  • Before you take a photo of anyone at the party, ask for their permission. This also applies to posting on social media.

  • Don’t forget to thank whoever organized the virtual party, and exit in style without dragging out the evening.

The Christmas season is a time to share joy and create memories with those around us. Let us all enjoy the spirit of this season and play our part in making sure everyone has a good experience whether we are with them in person or not.

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