The Difference Etiquette Makes in a Teen’s Life

The Difference Etiquette Makes in a Teen’s Life

Register for summer etiquette classes!

I enjoy shopping, whether for groceries and household goods or for clothing and accessories. The one thing I find most fulfilling about shopping is the atmosphere in each store I visit and the interactions I have with other shoppers and staff. As someone who finds shopping to be therapeutic, there are times when all I do is poke my nose and see what they have on offer. When this is done, I am happy to go on with the rest of my day.

There is one grocery store in my neighbourhood that I am particularly partial to visiting. The staff members are always friendly and helpful, and the store seems to attract pleasant and considerate customers. I find it a joy to visit this store and tend to find my way there whenever I am in need of a pantry item for a meal I’m preparing.

However, what has stood out to me the most over the years are the amazing teenagers the store employs. I don’t know what their hiring criteria are or if they have a specific training process, but I know for certain that they attract and retain a high calibre of teens.

This group of teens know how to interact with customers in a direct and friendly manner. They are always present in conversations with patrons in the store and always maintain respectful eye contact showing their undivided attention. These young people give me the impression that they are happy to help every person who comes through their doors, which I am always delighted to see as they assist me or any other customer. They truly seem to understand the concept of customer service and will assist the youngest and elderly with the utmost care appropriate for each one.

In addition to all this, their grooming is always impeccable. Each of these young people shows up to work with clean, ironed uniforms and well-kept hair. They take pride in their personal appearance, reflecting well on the store and themselves as individuals. Every customer they help with genuine attentiveness leaves the store with a smile, and I am sure these teens make their parents proud.

Whether they receive customer-focused training in the store or life skills training at home, these teens reflect the positive influence etiquette can make in a young person’s life. Their conduct serves as a myth-buster to the reputation that young people typically have of being poorly mannered and unable to interact with those outside of their families and circle of friends. Instead, with the right social training and influence, young people such as these demonstrate that they can be well-mannered members of society who give us hope for a decent future generation. A big thank you should be given to these young people’s parents and carers for laying a solid foundation, and to this establishment for affording us a positive shopping experience by attracting such lovely young people.

The basics of etiquette provide a great start to helping build our youth into the pleasant individuals I so frequently encounter in my favourite store. Whether as parents, carers, coaches, friends, or employers, let us all play our part in helping nurture our young people to be the kind of people others are happy to work, play and share their community with.

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