Moments with friends: Tips to boost visits to your friends' homes

Moments with friends: Tips to boost visits to your friends' homes

The changing of the seasons from winter to spring and spring to summer is always an exciting time of the year. Sitting still at home becomes less exciting as we are drawn outside to enjoy the pleasant weather. We plan adventures and visits with friends and families, and snow-free roads encourage us to hit the road and go on trips to our favourite places. 

Some of us may look forward to the prospect of hosting and inviting our loved ones into our homes for a visit that more often than not turns into a sleepover. For most people who enjoy hosting entertaining is a pretty simple task. All they need to do is inform their guests of where to find the most important rooms and things - where they will sleep, freshen up and find their food - and catch them up on the norms of life in their home so they find it easy to navigate their way around the same. 

The challenge for home visits usually comes when we need to step into other people’s homes as guests. It may be more difficult for us to know what is expected of our conduct as a guest, leaving us feeling lost and uncomfortable in someone else’s home. For us to have a successful visit we need to be keenly aware of these expectations and follow them well. If we find ourselves in a situation where we are unsure and not in a position to ask, there are a few ways in which we can improve our guest experience. 

  1. Follow suit

Observe the family dynamics in your host’s home and see how each person behaves. Follow their example at the dinner table, in the family room, when interacting with their family, and performing basic chores. This will give you an indication of what is expected of you, and will guide your conduct throughout your visit. 

  1. Put away your electronics

If you enjoy spending a considerable amount of time on the phone, including during mealtimes, you will need to be mindful of your online activity during your visit. Paying excessive attention to your electronics during a visit may unintentionally signal to your host that you are disinterested in the time spent together. To avoid this, consider putting your phone and other electronics away so you can fully immerse yourself in your interactions with your host.

  1. Enjoy your own company

Don’t expect to be entertained every single moment during your visit. Find a few solo activities to keep yourself entertained, such as going for a walk or reading a book. You don’t want to seem lonely or bored during downtimes, which may pressure your host into finding additional ways to entertain you. Your solo time allows you and your host to catch your breath from all the activity and catch up on any outstanding tasks. 

  1. Leave behind good memories only

Home visits are characterised by snacks, games and other activities that result in the accumulation of packets, props and scraps of rubbish. As a guest, pick up and clean up after yourself to reduce the amount of cleaning your host has to do when you depart. This allows more time for you and your host to engage in various activities, create new memories and strengthen your relationship. It also shows your thoughtfulness which could make you a welcome guest for any follow-up visits.

As the warm weather begins and we spend more time with our loved ones, let us be mindful of our conduct in their homes. Let us strive to be present and helpful, to fall in line with the dynamics of the home we are visiting, and to follow up after ourselves This way we can practice being good guests leading to the creation of positive memories with those we hold most dear.