Have our Cell Phones on Pause

Have our Cell Phones on Pause

Cell phones have become an integral part of our everyday lives and like everything else, there is a time and a place for them in our daily dealings.

Here’s a list of some of those areas where it could be frowned upon to use or have the phone ring.

Places of Worship – It doesn’t matter what religious organizations we might be part of, there are few exceptions for cell phones in these spaces. People attend places of worship for different reasons, and those who take that time as a temporary escape from the outside world might find a ringing cell phone intrusive.

Funerals – They are generally solemn as we reflect on the life and memories of a loved one. We are also given an opportunity to learn more about the deceased through the speeches from those with a better insight. A ringing cell phone is not only disruptive, but it also comes across as disrespectful.

Job Interview – What could be so vital to have a cell phone on hand during a job interview, whether in person or virtual? As some of us have experienced, cell phones have a way of ringing at the most inconvenient times.

Job Training – Job training is necessary for anyone joining a new company as companies tend to do things differently, and this is also a way of informally getting to know the new team member. Are we jeopardizing our chances of advancement from the start? What are we communicating to the trainer? Are we aware that the trainer will go back to human resources or management and give feedback on us?

During Working Hours – Some studies have shown that employees can waste nearly eight hours a week on non-work activities. This is all due to personal tasks such as online shopping, checking social media, sports and entertainment websites. All these could be done during break times to avoid wasting valuable working hours.

Meal-times – When we share them with others, they are usually moments of connecting and cell phones can take away that experience.

Let us be present and engaged with others, and have our cell phones on pause for those times and precious moments.

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