Comfortable Etiquette

Comfortable Etiquette

A few days after Christmas, I visited a local game store to pick up a puzzle roller. I noticed that some stores in the mall had long line-ups, and was pleasantly surprised that there were no line-ups at the game store (so I thought). As I headed to enter the store my husband alerted me of the line-up off to the side and a few meters from the store entrance. Oh dear, I quickly apologized to the gentleman at the head of the line. Thankfully, he seemed to understand that I wasn’t trying to jump the queue, and I didn’t have long to wait before it was my turn to shop.

After picking up what I had gone for, I headed for the cashier to pay for my purchase. Then I noticed that I had done it again, jumping the queue in front of the same gentleman. I apologized and thanked him for his patience towards me.

Etiquette is about helping those around us feel comfortable. This gentleman demonstrated good etiquette with me. I don’t know if he’s just an easygoing person or has an understanding that sometimes people make social mistakes without intending to offend.

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