Ask Mable: The Golden Rule

Ask Mable: The Golden Rule

Anonymous asks,

Dear Mable, What is the proper etiquette for our children setting up play dates? My husband feels it’s okay for kids to show up at a friend’s house to arrange to play. I disagree with this, as I dislike unexpected guest at my own door. I also feel it rude for my kids to call their friends asking to go to their homes. I feel that if our kids are the ones setting up the play date they should be the ones hosting the date. Please help!

Dear Anonymous:

What I’m getting from your email, is that you would like to treat others the way you would like to be treated. As you dislike unexpected guests at your own door, you feel it would be rude for your kids to show up at a friend’s house. Also when your kids show up at someone’s house, their friend’s parent suddenly has an unplanned and unexpected obligation to ensure your kid’s safety and well being. That might not have been how they would have liked to spend their afternoon. If your children are setting up play dates, they should be the host. This is a skill that they will value later in life. I hope this answer contributes to a consensus with you and your husband.

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